Tuesday, March 2, 2010

first day with out you

So yesterday I took Chris to Fort Gordon for him to leave and go to Nicaragua for four months. It was 3 in the morning, I got up, and Chris was already up with the baby since 1 am. We only got one hour of sleep that night. Monday was a slow and depressing day. After dropping off Chris, he called and said I forgot my uniform belt, will you bring it to the airport please. So I did. I got to the airport and he wasn't there. Well you can’t just park and wait on the curb, unless you want to pay for it, so I just drove around for an hour. Well we got home at 5am and Koen decided that he was going to stay up till 7am and then I could go back to sleep. We just sat around the house with the curtains pulled tight and did nothing. I love you Chris and i can't till you get home.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

2 weeks old

So 2 weeks ago I gave birth to a 7lb 5 oz baby boy. We went home on a Thursday afternoon, I was so tired. It was 2 o'clock, I looked at Chris and said hold him I will be right back I think about 7 pm I woke up in the bed. All I know is that it was a great nap. That Friday on the 12th, we had our first doctor’s appointment and he had jaundice. We had to go the hospital and get his little foot poked. It came back as a 13 and he had to get a baby tanning bed. He had to be on that thing 24/7, do you know how hard that was, I felt like I was ignoring him. On this Friday, it started snowing in the afternoon. Koen slept right through his first snow. Monday the 15th, we had to go do it all over again; doctor, hospital and tan some more, but this time in the sun naked. Finally, Thursday we went to the doctor and it was all better. Last weekend, Big Poppy and Great Uncle Brian came down and visited with us. It was a busy weekend for us. Koen went to the levy for the first time on Saturday the 20th. He was very good and slept the whole time. He is a very good baby does not really cries unless he is hungry or dirty, but he really hates a clean diaper. He is a big talker. He talks the most when has his patty in this month. He is also very independent. He wants to lift his hand up by his self. I love being a mom. It is the greatest gift in the world.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

how to make a diaper cake

Brittany and i did a brown and blue diaper cake. It was easier then i thought and it didn't even take that much time to make, about an hour or so.

First you will need:

  • about 62 size 2 diapers, total
  • scissors
  • white balloon ribbon
  • the decorations you need for the cake, be it a girl or boy.

First you start out by laying the diaper flat on the floor

Then you roll it like a cinnamon roll

Finally, tie the balloon ribbon around the middle of the rolled diaper.

The first layer I used 7 diapers, one in the middle and six around the middle one.

Once you have made the 7 rolls tie the seven together in the middle as tight as you can.

Next comes the the second layer which has 19 size 2 diapers 1 in the middle 6 in the second circle 12 on the outside circle.
Finally, the third and bottom layer is 36 size 2 diapers. 1 in the middle 6 in the second circle 12 on the third circle, and 17 on the outside circle.

The final outcome for my baby boy diaper cake

AND it looked so great that the baby shower. Also its a big hit at the party, it is a show stopper.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

last sonogram

So last week we had our last sonogram. Well he is differently all boy. i asked her to check and see if he was still a boy and he was not ashamed to show his boy parts. he still doesn't like to be touched or messed with. The sonogram lady wanted to see his face, so she started to press down and shake the thing right on his face. OOh he was so mad. everything feels like its in slow motion now. He is loving it way to much in there. i wish he was ready to come out soon, but after two doctors visits he is still at 0. he will come when he is ready. i have lost all sense of appetite, nothing seems good anymore.
Good news though, Chris dad is finely get put to rest tomorrow. We have been through so much with all of this. There is a funeral, there is not a funeral, oh no the funeral is not tomorrow its next week. i just want to pull my hair out. Now after about a month of all this, its hopefully over. It was hard dropping him off today, and not being able to go with him. I was mad all morning at him for no reason. I know its not his fault. I was just upset because i could not be there for him. i miss him tons but i know he will be back Saturday evening.
Last weekend i had my first baby shower. It was so much fun. We had great food, awesome fun with dirty diapers, and lovely company. We are so blessed that we have tons of great friends and family to help us out with everything we needed and wanted. I am grateful for everything that has happen to us. My mom has really been there for me a lot. I don't know where i would be with her, probably in tons of trouble. She as helped me with everything. Thanks mom i love you.
I have a busy weekend coming up. My last baby shower is this weekend, with my friends and family. Brittany is going to throw a great one. I can't wait to see all my friends and catch up with all of them.